Advocacy Moves Asbury Park Forward

After Asbury Park’s Mayor John Moor abruptly shut down NJDOT’s proposed road diet along the city’s Main Street/State Route 71 in October 2015, it appeared that Asbury Park was to remain entrenched in its car-centric approach to transportation issues. Although this city had made great strides towards ending the economic blight of the 1980’s and 1990’s, an important opportunity was going to be missed: the chance to remake Main Street into a safe, vibrant corridor that could contribute substantially to the overall uptick in economic vitality that other parts of Asbury Park were experiencing. It also presented the opportunity to break down the chasm that exists in the city between the east and west sides, creating a fully integrated city where underserved communities could safely connect to the business and commercial center of Asbury Park by reaching them through safer bicycling and walking.